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A complete conference management system


This document describes the entities and their attributes.

See Definition list for detailed descriptions on of the entities.

For reference, we list the entity names here as well:



Shared attributes

Apart from tag and theme, all entities have the following attributes

Attribute Type Description
title string The title
promote boolean  
image object  
image.url string Image url
image.meta.alt string Alternative text for the image
description string Full description of the entity
summary string Summary of the description

tag and theme have only the title attribute.

conference attributes

Attribute Type Description
language string (ISO 639-1 Code) The language for the conference
start_time datetime (ISO 8601 string) The start time
end_time datetime (ISO 8601 string) The end time
ticket object  
ticket.url string Url to ticket system
ticket.text string (nullable) Text to show on “Buy ticket” button
app object App metadata
app.logo string App logo url (should be 512x512 pixels)
app.logo_svg string (optional) App SVG logo url
app.icons object App icons urls indexed by «width»x«height», e.g. {"196x196": ""}
app.primary_color color (css color string) Primary app color
app.accessibility_statement object (nullable) Optional information on accessibility statement
app.accessibility_statement.url string Url to accessibility statement. A link to the accessibility statement must be shown in the footer of the app.
app.accessibility_statement.text string (nullable) Optional text to display on accessibility statement link

event attributes

Attribute Type Description
language string (ISO 639-1 Code) The language for the event
start_time datetime (ISO 8601 string) The start time
end_time datetime (ISO 8601 string) The end time
ticket object  
ticket.url string Url to ticket system
ticket.text string (nullable) Text to show on “Buy ticket” button


Shared relationships

Apart from conference, all entities have the following relationships

Relationship Description
conference A relationship with the conference

conference relationships

Relationship Description
organizers List of organizers of the conference

event relationships

Relationship Description
organizers List of organizers of the event
location The location of the event
speakers List of speakers at the event
tags List of tags for the event
themes List of themes for the event